Hi! I’m a Software Development Engineer at Apple, Inc. I’m part of the AI/ML organization and my responsibilities include the production of high quality datasets for Siri and Search. Before joining Apple, Inc. I was a Research Scientist at the Information Sciences Institute (ISI) and I was part of the Science Automation Technologies group. Research topics that excite me lie within the intersection of Distributed Computing and Data Intensive Applications. This includes concepts manifesting in High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing and Big Data systems. I’m particularly interested in how applications can access and share resources efficiently among them, and in the analysis of large and coplex systems based on measurements. One of the recent research projects I lead was the creation of a benchmark dataset for computational workflow anomaly detection.
In 2023 I obtained my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Southern California (USC) with dissertation title “Cyberinfrastructure Management for Dynamic Data Driven Applications”. During my PhD I was advised by Dr. Ewa Deelman and we worked on topics of online performance monitoring and analysis of large scale scientific workflow executions. Among others, I worked on improving scientific workflow performance on high performance computing (HPC) systems and clouds (e.g., Chameleon, FABRIC) through workflow level optimization and network performance optimization. In my PhD thesis, I focused on how we can better utilize the available cyberinfrastructure in order to optimize the performance of dynamic data driven applications.
Before this, I completed my undergraduate studies in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the National Technical University of Athens. My undergradate thesis was advised by Dr. Nectarios Koziris and focused on the identification and prediction of anomalies in cloud computing resources using robust statistical methods.
PhD in Computer Science, 2023
University of Southern California (USC), USA
MSc in Computer Science, 2023
University of Southern California (USC), USA
BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2017
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
During my doctoral degree, I served as a teaching assistant for the following class:
During my undergraduate degree, I served as a lab assistant for the following classes: